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Before we go any further, I want to Provide Americans a solution for all of this: Iceland IMPRISONS BANKERS and rebuilds ECONOMY (With VOLITION, it can be done here)

Bankers jailed, sued as Iceland seeks culprits for crisis

In today’s turbulent political climate, there are many PARTIES seeking to align themselves with the disenchanted American Populace for the sake of their own INHERENT SURVIVAL.  The world is now in its strongest transitional point, and it is important that we don’t repeat the same mistakes, otherwise we will find ourselves in a much worse position than before…there can be NO MORE COMPROMISES as we press forward in PEACE.  We must get PAST the two party-paradigm.  Each party has sunk this country into the ground, and trust me, Ron Paul will be nothing but a “Bait and Switch” candidate.  He’s saying all the same things Obama did in 2008 because he’s aware that this is the popular time to say them.  Are we willing to let it happen YET AGAIN???  AND YES… Ron Paul, consistently voted against the Fed for the past 30 years, but, did it ever occur to you that he might have an agenda of his own and an actual planted reason for doing so?  Is that really so hard to believe after everything that we know???  I assure you, when Ron Paul takes office…HE WILL NOT GET RID OF THE FED.  In fact, he will re-tweak federal guidelines to make the squeeze even tighter.  I’ll be brief since this is NOT about Ron Paul.  1. He will reform federal guidelines 2. He will claim that because the printing of money has gotten out of control, we will NEED to replace it. 3. We will go to a cashless, global society. 4. They will require that you have either a chip, or a card to buy or sell. 5. If you do not take the chip, you can no longer participate in the economy.  Ron Paul even stated that he had no aspirations of dissolving the fed right away.  BE CAREFUL.  NONE OF THEM CAN BE TRUSTED.  They must be weeded out an imprisoned.  This means every banker, ceo, and politician that had ANYTHING to do with the collapse.

—NOW—TO MR. OBAMA—————————————————————————————————————

I am noticing that Mr. Obama thinks that by appealing to the movement and using language which almost appears empathetic,  that he will be able to somehow gain support, and swing voters his direction by pretending that he’s been on our side all along. -He’s not on YOUR SIDE.  He’s on HIS side. And even if that means lying to the American public to temporarily pacify them until he secures office, he’ll do that VERY THING and then unleash the dogs because after re-election…THERE’S NOTHING LEFT FOR HIM TO LOSE.  Get it???

Mr. Obama attempting to empathize with OWS

ADDRESSING OBAMA: I want to say right now that, Mr. Obama, you couldn’t be more INCORRECT about this issue.  You’ve been pegged as the bought off snake that you are and there are too many paper trails which illuminate your connections and the people YOU have supported ALL ALONG.  You and Mr. Soros will be very lucky if you’re not in prison for the remainder of your lives by the time this is over and done with.  I WILL EXPEND ALL RESOURCES LETTING THE WORLD KNOW WHO YOU ARE MY FRIEND.

Don’t ever forget what this man has done to this NATION.

P.S. as one reads through these links, understand that the reasons for adding the information regarding the Sodomy/Bestiality bill is because of its inherent timing with the passage of the NDAA and indefinite detention act.  Each bill was passed a day or so apart.Not long at all.

In other words, there may be ulterior motives for the passage of this bill that exists outside the progressive thought processes that most “liberals” attach to them.  While you celebrate the idea that Obama is attempting to give out equal rights to make the U.S. a more “progressive nation,” the military has just now been given full access to treat you and your family in any way that they deem fit…this includes ALL ACCESS to your children, your wives, YOUR PETS, and your own body.  (Martial Law is the suspension of the constitution.  Therefore when it occurs…ALL BETS ARE OFF, and if they decide to take FULL advantage of you while in custody, you have no legal grounds in which to fight back.)  If you don’t believe me, go to Guantanamo Bay or Abu Ghraib and interview those poor people who were raped, tortured, and sodomized with very brutal objects while the military took pictures with demonic smiles, posing with dead bodies and stacks of naked prisoners piled on top of each other.  -Yep, that was the U.S. military that did that.  Do you believe that you’ll somehow be an exception?  That they’ll suddenly stop acting like animals just because you were born in this country?  Even worse…what if they choose a U.N. military force instead?  Yep, what if they bring in foreign troops into this country who don’t care about you and have nothing vested in providing you safety?  –Be CAREFUL in whom you place your faith– BE VERY CAREFUL…

These bills were also passed just after or during the fall of Gaddaffi in Libya.  And if you recall, the people who captured him also tortured and sodomized him on national television.  Yep, it was the The Muslim Brotherhood.  Not only were they rewarded with weapons and monetary gain from the U.S., they were also given complete control over the Libyan Government which installed Shariah Law and opened the gates of hell against the Libyan Civilian Population.  If one were industrious enough, one could easily find information which shows just how bad the Libyan people are now suffering.  Libya was once a growing and booming country with a stable population and a very high HDI (Human Development Index) as recorded by the United Nations.  It wasn’t until Goldman And Sachs stole BILLIONS upon BILLIONS from the Libyan Government and Gaddaffi himself, did Gaddaffi turn against the U.S. by attempting to unite Northern Africa under the Gold Standard via “Dinar.”  -That’s right…this news is actually ancient history.  Goldman and Sachs did to Libya the VERY same thing that they are doing against the American people…but all TOO often, the American people REFUSE to research things well enough to come to the truth of why war occurs within global politics.  -Its never about fighting for someone else’s freedom…ITS ALWAYS ABOUT THE ALMIGHTY DOLLAR and absolute CONTROL.  It amazes me that all of this stuff culminates at roughly the same time, but, the majority of Americans still cannot make the connection between their failing economy, and that of the rest of the world.  Somehow, they think that they’re in some sort of impenetrable bubble where the outside world has no bearing on what occurs within the U.S. itself.  -Its very strange the way that Americans perceive things-

Here is a small list of reasons not to vote for Barack Obama in 2012:

Senate Approves Bill that Legalizes Sodomy and Bestiality in U.S. Military

Obama Passes Laws To Protect Pedophiles

The Types in Which Barack Obama Ensures Safety And Amnesty…

PETA bugged over bestiality in the military

US Senate To Vote On Bill That Will Allow The Military To Arrest Americans On American Soil And Hold Them Indefinitely


Obama insists on indefinite detention of Americans

Obama raises more money from Banking Cartels than any other candidate…

Barack Obama\’s Top Contributors. ( Keep in mind, this is the money that could be directly tracked from Obama’s campaign)

Obama gives foreign Corporation BP control over Gulf of Mexico and control over Coast Guard

Obama Signs in \”Preventative Detention and Approves Pre-Crime against American Citizens\”

Obama\’s further affiliations with Goldman and Sachs

Obama Administration Provides Amnesty for Pedophile Priests

Obama\’s Buddy, Tony Hayward sells off BP stocks before Deepwater Horizon Disaster

PRE-CRIME now LEGAL and Realized…

Homeland Security going ahead with Pre-Crime

Obama’s abysmal record on civil liberties

Without congressional approval or motions in the Senate, Obama sends death squads to Uganda

U.S. Citizen murdered without trial or arrest

Obama expands patriot act after telling Americans he would do away with it…

Lawmakers suing Obama over Libya

Obama Administration Arms Mexican Drug Lords (Zetas)

Obama attempts False Flag blaming Iran for attempted \”Saudi Embassador\” assassination plot. Saudi Arabia expresses doubts.

Fox News Accuses Federal Government of Terrorism (An unprecedented move by them)

Busted Mr. President, WE BELIEVE IRAN

President Barack Obama Keeps Guantanamo Bay OPEN

Obama\’s crackdown against state laws and medical marijuana

Goldman and Sachs buys off Obama

Obama caving into corporations again…

Obama threatens social security

Why is Obama Proposing MORE Corporate Tax Cuts?

Obama raises 43 Million for…

Obama plans corporate tax cuts in year of RECORD PROFITS

Obama buses in Fake Clean Up Crews for Photo Op

Obama Approves Al Qaeda Embassy In Washington (I can\’t write this stuff)

Libyan Rebel force is an Al Qaeda affiliate according to the U.N.

Obama employs AL Qaeda to do U.S. Bidding (Remember Russia during the 80\’s?)

Obama, Cameron, and Sarkozy employ Al Qaeda (CIAda) to murder Libyans

Obamination\’s Broken Promises, look with your own two eyes…

Great list of Obamanation\’s broken promises…

More BROKEN promises…

Obama\’s continued FAILED policies and promises…

No stimulus for U.S. Citizens, but, all the relief in the world for Corporations

Here\’s the clincher…OBAMA allows Bank of America and JP Morgan to destroy the World.

Obama openly tells the Bankers that he will protect them…

New Obama Foreclosure Plan Helps Banks At Taxpayers\’ Expense

Obama Administration Urged to Stop Funding Child Soldiers

Obama allowing Freddie Mac and Fannie Mae to monopolize all of the mortages

Obama ensures Sharia Law In Libya…

Internet Censorship, Senate Democrats Block Vote To Overturn FCC Internet Regulations

DHS, Social Security, National Weather Service order Hollow Point Rounds (Alex Jones, but, it provides real links)

Social Security orders Hollow Point Rounds. (Alex Jones, but, it provides the real links)

DHS refuses to explain Hollow Point Purchase

Joe Biden hooks his friend up with 20 million dollars of Tax Payers Money

Soldier Suicide Rates At An All Time High

Barack Obama And Mitt Romney Are The Same Candidate…

The Government for which ALL candidates have bowed to…

Obama’s Kill List…

Obama’s Lawyer Admits Birth Certificate Forgery…

1001 reasons not to vote for Barack Obama

Obama has empowered the Federal Government’s ability to outbid American Businesses…

Obama’s empowerment of the Muslim Brotherhood

Obama and the UN gun treaty…

A popular theory about Obama and Gun Control. -If one were to research this, one might find MUCH information supporting it…

Under Obama Administration, Goldman and Sachs WALK FREE OF ALL WRONGDOING regarding COLLAPSE

Obama Appoints Monsanto Vice President As Senior Advisor to FDA…Couldn’t make this up if I tried.

Obama’s List of ILLEGAL Executive Orders…(Bypassing Congress)

Obama GIVES away Alaskan Islands and Oil Reserves to Russia…(While America is diving financially)

U.S. under Obama sells 1.5 million tons of American corn to Mexico during the worst drought in U.S. history.

Emergency meeting called by U.S. in response to U.S. drought.

U.S. backed Syrian Army is Al Qaeda…FUNDED BY OBAMA

Debt grows by 11 Trillion under Obama…

Obamacare mandates the sterilization of American girls 15 and under without parental consent…

Banks are legally able to take money from customers unmolested. Thanks Obama…

State Department purges Religious Freedom from its Human Rights Reports…

Fast And Furious Eliminates Competition Against U.S. Federal Government…

More Fast and Furious. ATF used F.F. to make case for gun regulations…

Obama tries to limit military voting…

Obama wants to limit military voting rights…

Obama pays illegal immigrants to live in U.S.

DOJ moving ahead with Gun Control Measures…

Obama Hires Al Qaeda to fight against Syrian Government…


Obama supported businesses payout to wealthy executives…

Another Obama Bankruptcy

Instant Bankruptcy after Obama mentions business in speech…

Obama suggests that his supporters give their wedding gifts to Obama’s campaign…

Obama tells supporters that if HE LOSES, its the fault of the supporters…

Delaying policies until after elections…

Israel delays strike on Iran until after American Elections…(Obama)

Obama Waits Until After Elections To Layoff Pentagon Workers

Tarp delayed until after the Election

Bin Laden Movie Delayed Until After Election

Obama Delays Pipeline Decision Until After Election

Department of Labor Postpones Mass Layoffs Until After Obama Election

Russian Human Rights Reform Postponed Until After American Elections

Greek Exit Of Euro Delayed Until After Obama Election

Palestinians Must Avoid Statehood Bid Until After Election

Obama Protects Countries That Use Child Soldiers…

Obama’s advisors recommend “Death Panels.”

SCIU pays $11hr to protest Mitt Romney

House Democrats Oppose Auditing The Federal Reserve

New Subprime Crisis Manifests as Tuition Goes Into Default

Poor Business/Fiscal/Social Policies cause Succession of Sioux Indians…

More attempts for Obama to Fund the Muslim Brotherhood

White House Caught Lying About Benghazi Attack

Obama wants to OUTSOURCE more jobs.

Obama resorting to using “Madonna” for his campaign…

Obama is Monsanto’s #1 Lobbyist…

American Middle and Poor Class Income Drops Dramatically Under Obama OWNED by Chinese Government

Obama Soliciting Campaign Money From Foreign Nationals


This section needs to be grouped together…Obama recently remarked that he wants to do with American manufacturing what he did with General Motors.  Which means…sending our jobs, and our MONEY to China.  Take a REALLY good look…

General Motors = China Motors


Through China, GM sets sales record

U.S. Manufacturing according to Obamanomics…

General Motors headed for BANKRUPTCY AGAIN…

Barack Obama Monstanto’s NUMBER ONE LOBBYIST.


If you haven’t figured it out yet, they’re all the same.  If you support the two-party system, you will always come out with a worse result than where you began.  We have given them their chances.  It must end now.  They must be removed and we must have the courage to rebuild like our Icelandic brethren.  Its time to LEARN FROM OUR MISTAKES.  By participating in their elections or voting for the big 2 (Dems/Repubs), we are submitting ourselves to accepting the RULES THAT THEY CAN BEND OR BREAK whenever it suits them.  Its time to create a new paradigm.

Thank you…

LOVE, Michael

This is a thread that was created on the Conspiracy Site known as Abovetopsecret. Although it comes from this site, the content in this particular blog is thorough and well researched.