Archives for category: Atheism

Well, for those who are truly aware, we’re in it now…

At the bottom of the page, you’ll see how the Banking Industry is ALSO pulling the strings behind this as well…Every bit of this stuff is interconnected.  Many didn’t believe me until the point that we are at now when I spoke of this 20 years ago.  Now people are filtering back and saying, “How did you know?”  My answer is, “I simply kept my eyes open.”

Before we go further though, I want to provide Americans a solution for all of this: Iceland IMPRISONS BANKERS and rebuilds ECONOMY (With VOLITION, it can be done here)

Bankers jailed, sued as Iceland seeks culprits for crisis

Now, when it comes to this content, I side with NO RELIGIONS.  I ONLY believe in the Universe/The Creator/ and the FACT that we are all interwoven within it.  To me, religion is a non-necessity, and it is VERY EASY to manipulate people with it…in fact, I think this is the very thing occurring now.  Nonetheless…I live, breathe, and eat Unconditional LOVE, so, as you attack me for bringing forward something that may be beneficial to you, I’ve already divvied out some LOVE for those who choose to disagree.  Keep in mind, its just a THEORY, and nothing is set in stone, until it happens before your very yes.  So, when I present this information, just be aware that I have no denomination nor do I believe in the superiority of one religion over the next…especially when they were all created by the same “catalyst.”  –I will say this though.  At the moment, it really doesn’t matter WHAT you believe…its what THEY believe that puts us in this current quandary.

I want to post some recent developments and actually tie them with “prophecy” if you will.  Only, this time out of the millions of times people have done this, I think that there may be merit here.  (of course, anyone wants to think that of their own thoughts.)

As you know, almost all Abrahamic Religions have a form of an end-time scenario.  I’ll be quick with it so that we don’t have to focus much on the story as opposed to the world developments which are coinciding and aligning perfectly with “prophecy.”  Before we go too far there, I want to note now, that I BELIEVE that this has been a self-fulfilling scenario and that a simple choice can subjugate it, however, it doesn’t much matter if it is self fulfilling or not, , the most important thing to do here is to look at the result.

The story that I am speaking of here regards, “The Two Witnesses.”  As it were, most Christians certainly believe that the “two witnesses MUST come from THEIR religion, because, THEIR “Bible” tells them that this is the case.  In fact, many have said that the witnesses will die and fight in Jerusalem, however, I do believe that they were referring to the “Holy Land,” which is the entire Middle East.  DO NOT FORGET that the very bible that you read has been revised repetitively, therefore, it could have been easily infected by the very enemy that you’d never expect.  -Remember, Christianity is derived from the same source as Islam.-

A quick summary of the two witnesses is this; 2 guys dressed in “sackcloth,” who are representatives of a certain “power” are here to do the bidding of God/The Universe during the rise of the Anti-Christ.  These two guys are allowed to torment the earth, gain control over the sky and cause all sorts of turbulence and drama for the Anti-Christ nation who have become Godless and War-like.  The two witnesses allowed to speak against the Anti-Christ and to pull maneuvers that are deemed nearly supernatural.  The entire world would grow to hate them because they disseminate truth about the evil power of the Anti-Christ nation.  (The Anti-Christ will come in the name of peace and make WAR.)  -Just take a look at our Administration and all of Obama’s promises.

After a period of time, the Anti-Christ finally defeats both witnesses.  The Anti-Christ KILLS THEM in the streets and then leaves their bodies in the streets while the world celebrates their deaths.  (How would the entire WORLD know about their deaths to celebrate it?  The internet, the media, television, radio…etc) Then, the two witnesses are denied PROPER BURIAL.  On the third day after their deaths, they would rise and the whole world would notice, after of which, a huge EARTHQUAKE WILL HIT THE REGION AND KILL 7,000.

Lets have a look here at some striking similarities:

1. Bin Laden used internet to release videos and prophecy against the imperialistic U.S. (most of those videos were MADE by the U.S., but, Bin Laden DID in fact, make a few.  Somehow, Osama was able to elude authorities with the world’s best tracking systems. (Osama wasn’t the best dresser and could easily be accused of wearing sackcloth.)

2. Gadaffi ALSO used the internet and the media to speak against the U.S. as a liar, a colonialist, and an imperialist.  Just before he died he spoke quite low of Mr. Obama.  Especially after this administration ROBBED Gadaffi and his country through Goldman and Sachs and the banking cartels. (Although Gadaffi was rich, he didn’t dress to well either.) -Recently, I want to note, we just had a bunch of earthquakes here in America that seemed to hit very strategic points near underground American military bases, as well as an attack on Forth Worth Texas involving thousands of transformers, AND a virus that seemed to infect all of our military drones causing a case of “friendly fire,” right BEFORE the War on Libya began. (although the mainstream media simply made it sound as if they were normal quakes, a second look at the areas that they struck and then a search on Google will show that each of those locations had military bases…not to mention there are people who keep track of nearly everything and then post it on the internet)  Alaska, Virginia, D.C., Southern California.  OOPS…

Russian intelligence reports Nuclear explosions hit vast US military tunnel network

It was even HEARD at a U.S. baseball game.  (initially they tried to say that it was feedback from the sound system. As as sound engineer for close to 15 years, I can tell you with absolute AUTHORITY that the noise that you hear on this video is not feedback.  Feedback is the high pitched distortion that occurs when there is interference between signals and the result is a combination by the resonance of the frequencies blending.  So…they lied…again.

This is feedback:

3. Supposedly, Bin Laden created the 911 terror attacks (which he denied), and took out the WTC the first time around.  This was such a moment of “terror” in history, that the whole world was taught and trained to HATE HIM.

4. Gadaffi, although he did nothing to harm his own people, was reported by the U.S., as killing his own people while they protested his regime.  The truth was, his people were protesting for the same reasons our people are.  Their economies went bust because a bunch of bankers intentionally sunk it, and then bet against it to make more profit.  Gadaffi was just in the process of circumventing the U.S. financial system by moving towards the Gold standard when we hit him.  Had this happened, the U.S. would have lost purchasing powers in Africa.  Regardless, the entire world was convinced that this was a killer regime that must be removed for the sake of “Global safety.”

5. Bin Laden is finally killed and denied proper burial. (May 2nd, 2011) -Massive Earthquakes begin

6. Gadaffi is killed, and denied proper burial. (Gadaffi dies Oct-20-2011) -Oct-21-2011 ( Earthquake 7.2, Turkey.  1000 dead so far and rising.) -They both are also killed in very small relative space of one another.-

7. 3 days later- October 23rd, 2011 (The Sky turns blood red all over the world.  News outlets are claiming that it was merely the Aurora, however, most Aurora lights are seen in remote areas of the poles, Alaska, and a few other select spots.  Now, it could very well be the “Aurora” as we know it and tend to explain it, but, I feel…especially after having heard my friend’s description while it was occurring, that there was something else involved. (He claimed darker beams of lighted red showed up up all through it) -Possible Ascension of Witnesses-

-I have personally seen extraordinary things in the night-sky and none of them were “naturally created phenomenon,” with the exception of a few remote experiences.

Sky turns red, seen in midwest and world-wide Oct. 23, 2011

Sky turns RED…

Red sky filmed (Aurora)

Now- Before you flip out and say “NO WAY, you’re nuts,  that was simply the Aurora and its ridiculous to think otherwise…  Not a possibility.”   Take a look at this: At the same time of this juncture in the Book of Revelations, the Anti-Christ is supposed to come up with a solution to all the world’s problems and establish a world-wide economic plan which will consist of one currency known as,”The Mark of the Beast.”  No man can buy or sell, unless he hath the mark, or the number of his name.”  Well, as it were…some very curious events happened in the THREE DAYS following Gadaffi’s death.  —Keep in mind, THIS IS THE CHRISTIAN RELIGION THAT IS ATTEMPTING THIS…Take a look—

WHOOPS! Vatican Lets Slip Plans For One World Government Read more:

Vatican \”supposedly\” sides with \”the people\” and claims THE PEOPLE need financial reform

Lets not forget where the Pope got his first lessons in life from:  Only in a world completely backwards could a former Nazi rise to power as the world’s most influential religious leader.  Please, don’t try to sell me the sad story that this was a mistake made by a troubled youth, or that this was the “Nazi” equivalent of “boy scouts.”  -They were TRAINED TO HATE…period.- I could also go into the fact that the Pope has been complicit in providing amnesty for pedophile priests and has been accused of this very abomination himself, WHILE getting support from the Obama Administration.

Obama administration backs Vatican in pedophile case

Pope, a former Hitler Youth…

By the way…Don’t let me forget to show you “THE METHOD,” which will be used for this…Ladies and Gentlemen, I present to you, THE NEW CURRENCY AND DOG COLLAR.  The RFID chip…

This isn’t a game folks (well, it kind’ve is).  But, these things are NOW being set into motion.

For those who think that this is entirely inconceivable let me ask you something…since they’ve already posed the “GLOBAL ECONOMIC PLAN,” and have shamelessly shown you the R.F.I.D. chip to get you accustomed to it, then that MUST MEAN that the witnesses would already have to be dead according to the PRESENT time line provided according to the PROPHECY.  If the witnesses weren’t Osama and Gadaffi…WHO WERE THEY???  -Who else have we killed, in THIS ADMINISTRATION AFTER the election of the “Anti-Christ representative Obama,” came into office?  Who else has all of the same qualities listed???

Seriously folks…What do you think happened on the night that the “NORWAY SPIRAL OCCURRED” while OBAMA was in there accepting the NOBEL PEACE PRIZE?  (The Anti-Christ will come in the name of PEACE, and spread wars)  Do you think that this was simply a “coincidence” that something of the magnitude of that spiral, which had NEVER previously occurred before would appear ON THE VERY NIGHT OF OBAMA’S ARRIVAL TO ACCEPT THAT PRIZE???  Put two and two together…

Norway Spiral: WATCH Strange Light In Sky Ahead Of Obama Nobel Peace Prize Speech (VIDEO)

Last, and CERTAINLY not least.  In the end times, the Anti-Christ rebuilds “The Infamous Temple” in Jerusalem.  Would you like to take a look to see who is behind THAT LITTLE PROJECT???  -Yep, the Rockefellers and the American FINANCIAL SYSTEM. -All of your banking favorites are throwing down for this one.

Rockefeller Funding the erection of Temple in Jerusalem

Kinti Mining Lmtd.\’s (KMLD) Announces Supriem David Rockefeller and the Rebuilding of the 3rd Jewish Temple in Addition to Frank Love Commencing the \”Temple Now Project\”

Other Rockefeller Funded Temples…Donated amount, $66,666

Rockefeller funding temple

Now, you can argue with me, get angry, or do whatever you choose.  But, this information has been presented to you, and for a reason.  Trust me when I say that by clicking this link, you followed an instinct…whether you know it or not.  Some of you came to argue and poke fun.  Others of you are genuinely looking for answers.  Whether you believe that I am right or wrong,   the Human Race is at a critical point where we either choose FREEDOM, or another few thousand years of slavery where your children, and their children, become increasingly more dominated by a soulless system…all because of an improper thought structure and an unwillingness to enact swiftly and PROPERLY.  I ask you now, isn’t it enough that our oceans are destroyed and that they’re taking food right out of our mouths?  How about the fact that our water supply and food are poisoned; but even worse, many of us are no longer able to enjoy dinner in our homes because they have been STOLEN.  Isn’t it enough that we have litigated all of our freedoms into the toilet?  How about the fact that we are in war after war, while our sons and daughters come home maimed and psychologically screwed for life? -This cannot be a nation of benevolence if we only bring PAIN to ourselves and OTHERS, regardless of your argument.  We either imprison these bankers, lawyers, Judges, CEOs, and Politicians like our brothers did in Iceland, or you can allow the same people who crafted this disaster provide us a solution.  If I were you, I’d choose the former, because they won’t have ANY INCENTIVES AT ALL to do the RIGHT THING.  You know it, and so do I.


-This is the same basic thread as what you just read, except it is slightly more involved and it takes you to a forum area where you can discuss it.

It really happened…This is the beginning of the Recycling (HAVE FUN)

Its interesting to me that our world is historically dependent upon conflict and fear in order to keep the collective “united,” although, its little more than a poorly woven illusion at best.  Its like watching a really horrible, over theatrical, acting job on Broadway that gets BELIEVED and accepted by the masses as REALITY…but the major difference between the two is that one ends and the other is cyclical…perpetual.  Trust me when I say this…Broadway isn’t short of bad actors, bad writing, or bad music; therefore, it truly seems that “LIFE DOES IMITATE ART.”  Granted, that may be more of a biased opinion than solid fact, but, I truly feel sorry for anyone who takes Broadway seriously.  Nonetheless, unearned faith continues to be put into a system in which the population of said FAITH is absolutely aware of the inconsistencies, DANGERS and the blatant LIES that are embedded into our system, yet despite our knowledge of its flaws, we continue to churn away as if these lies don’t exist.  How many scandals does it take for the populace to realize that our “representatives” are a bunch of conniving snakes?  We have heard so many lies that we just begin to discard the idea of reality as a joke and accept the idea that we will never truly know the truth.  With that in mind, we go and cast our ballots every 4 years thinking that it will have some sort of an outcome better than the last, and some even hope that they are somehow punishing the unpopular incumbent for playing a bad role…either we’re STUPID, or INSANE.  This is the standard created by the elite, accepted by the masses, and SOLD by its enabler…the media.  Its truly amazing to me that someone could ever truly believe that they are “picking the lesser between two evils,” because as far as I’m concerned, picking the lesser of the two evils still entails, CHOOSING EVIL.  This statement of “picking the lesser between the two” has long outlived its very hollow meaning.

We’ve gotten to the point where we are looking directly at the evidence of our failed system and  yet, most people BLINDLY continue to support the hypocrisy in which it represents.

For instance: (These are hypotheticals, but, I guarantee that this “Hypothetical” is quite representative of many of an American.)

1. Hypothetical #1: A good christian woman in Arkansas probably would have much disdain for a system that allows police officers to raid her home for virtually no reason and without warrant while threatening her family with bodily harm or worse.  But, this same Arkansas woman never even has to consider the idea that in other parts of the world that this very nightmare is a reality because of the VERY SYSTEM that provides the Arkansas woman her way of life.  Why should she stand up to help change the horrible conditions of her brothers and sisters in other lands when its not her home which is in danger…there’s no incentive for her to know, think, or care about it.  In fact, her conscious decision to remain “willfully ignorant and non-participative” in defending the human rights of her fellow brothers and sisters openly supports tactics such as this which are used world-wide on any nation not subservient to Western rule.  But, as it were…there’s always a flip side to this equation.  And that flip side comes on the day that this “willfully ignorant” Arkansonian no longer has a home, a job, or a way to provide for her family.  Her willful ignorance willed her right into a position of homelessness and despair.  Tides always change, and so does the hand of power.  Once this happens…you are either aware enough to survive and adapt to the changes because you are vigilant and have educated yourself, or you become a victim of natural selection.  Unfortunately, to be “willfully ignorant is still to be IGNORANT.

Hypothetical #2: A gung ho soldier fresh off the boats in Iraq probably has NO PROBLEM fulfilling his training and following orders.  Its everything he’s ever wanted.  In his willingness to succeed and serve his country, he is eventually forced to follow orders that unfortunately caused civilian deaths…maybe even a few which cost the lives of women and children.  In his mind, he can always rationalize that his country was “simply at war,” and that he did what was needed to survive.  But, would the same American soldier view things through a different lens if it were his country that was raided, occupied, and raped of its resources?  Would that same soldier “understand” the apologies of the invading the country if their soldiers had followed orders by raiding his home, murdering his wife, and having his children detained in a camp such as Guantanamo Bay???  Would this man understand if the soldier stated that he was, “just following orders?”  The sad part is the idea that we call others terrorists because they are non-compliant in the destruction of their own race and civilization.  ~It happens EVERYDAY~ SO IRONIC…

So, how many times can our chains be yanked in the same direction before we figure out that its all a sham?  How many times can you be fooled by the same tactic???  Fear is your prime motivator for living…Fear is the reason why you go to work…Fear is the reason why we do nothing when we KNOW we should enact…Fear is fed to us in every shape and form so that we have choices in the many varieties that it provides.  What are you scared of?  Terrorists, aliens, angels, demons, aging, dying, living, fighting, pimples, ugly teeth, bad breath, cats, dogs, mice, chickens, cows, food, eating, being overweight, underweight, skinny, bullied, domestic violence, depression, etc???  Well, as you see, we’ve got purchasable solutions to ALL OF THOSE THINGS. BUT… if you’re not willing to purchase a solution for the many appetites of our pre-provided fear, then you could be labeled “mentally ill,” as most Americans are strung out on one psychoactive substance or another.  Its amazing how much an economy is FED BY FEAR ALONE.  To be clear, we just gave away a few trillion dollars in order to bail out a failing banking scam.  Why on earth would we do such a thing???  FEAR.  Imagine how much the military industrial complex makes in a singular day alone?  The only reason it could even exist would be from the fear of an attack, or the ultimate fear of death…plain and simple. The military industrial complex is a sheer manufacturer of fear…and the media is its cohort.  Today, one cannot exist without the other, if they were ever separate at all.

Am I guilty of these things myself?  Am I guilty for peddling  FEAR??  Am I peddling fear at all???  Maybe. That’s certainly an entertaining thought, but I think it would be untrue as none of the above items in the last paragraph makes my list of anything worthy of worry.  My fear, if it could be called that, lies for a miniature collective when it concerns apathy…specifically Americans.  375 million people out of 6.75 BILLION would normally not be a large enough chunk to really be concerned with, but, its this minor percentage that seems to be setting the course for an entire civilization, past, present and future.  Our current state of apathy is monumental and it is doing nothing but growing.  An apathetic state is nothing short of robotic and a robotic state is 100% short of being human.  Hence the reasons why we can allow brothers and sisters to starve right down to their skeletons, and genocide to occur world-wide with little more than a yawn of inconvenience.  I do a ton of posting on Facebook when it comes to media stories concerning politics for the sake of boosting awareness.  Now on one hand, I could be accused of peddling the same fear regurgitated by the media machine which is used for the purposes of paralyzing one with fear and guilt.  But, I tend to go with the other hand which is the real purpose behind my motives – to ILLUMINATE THE MANUFACTURED LIES AND FEAR which are perpetuated incessantly by the media in an attempt to CONTROL the way that you view reality.  The only guilt that I push is the one that will be felt on a collective level because of our refusal to act while there’s still time to make a difference.  Ultimately, THE WORLD WILL HEAL and things will return to its intended state as everything is as it should be…but, this is no reason or EXCUSE to not be the stewards of our environment and planet that we were supposed to be.  Collectively, we are consciously deciding to KILL OURSELVES because of inaction and those who are aware of this fact have NOT AGREED with this program…me included; therefore, this is NOT A WORLD OF MY MANIFESTATION OR CHOOSING.  I am NOT compliant in the destruction of this planet for the sake of convenience…

Nontheless…lets explore some of these lies hidden as truths.

In order for a President, or a rising politician to get the support he/she needs to do a few things in order to gain the TRUST of the people, attain financial backing (lobbying, contributions), and rub noses of those with like-interests. (Here’s the big picture though when considering “like-interests,” – The interests that the political arena has demonstrated to the world obviously CONFLICTS with campaign promises which are often heard by the populace.)

1. They must promise taxpayers to GIVE BACK a tiny portion of what they already owe us through raiding our tax dollars and programs that we’ve already paid into with the expressed, yet disingenuous promise of giving tax breaks and incentives for being such good slaves.  But, as you can see…that’s not working out too well anymore, is it???  The next stage from here is to create and accept “strategically divisive” issues in which to side giving tax payers the illusion of morality and purpose…abortion is a prime example. (This is how $$$ flows.)  While you hold your picket signs and march, regardless of which side you’ve chosen, you’re laughed at for even believing that it was an issue to begin with.   And you’re thanked wholeheartedly by the elite for perpetuating the illusion as it continues in real time before you.  As long as you hold these beliefs within your heart and soul…YOU’LL ALWAYS BE MANIPULATED BY THEM.  LET GO.  Here’s a newsflash that may be a bit unsettling to hear at first, but I can assure you that its absolutely true…To the elite, there are no sides, no real issues because they only believe in THEIR SIDE which keeps them as the master and you as the slave.  There’s only puppets and puppeteers.  Positive and Negative. The masses need the illusion of drama, hence all of the reality shows, soap operas, and specialized news outlets.  They feel like they need to have a special belief or cause to represent, so, those choices are CREATED FOR THEM through litigation and political issues which validate the truth (THE LIE) of the illusion.  If its on paper, then it must be REAL…RIGHT???  If Bryan Williams from MSNBC says that its true, then it must be…Bryan has a face that you and I can trust.  He’s well dressed and brushes his teeth.  He’s on television everyday, and is a family man like you and I.  Why would he EVER LIE???  Consider the fact that the same people who own the news also own the papers, internet sites, subsidiary and independent outlets, movie and production companies, and some of them are even shareholders and puppeteers of the military industrial complex.  WEALTH + Media + firepower = OWNERSHIP.  But Ownership = ILLUSION.

Because there are only TWO PARTIES, then there is a general list of what defines one against the other.  If you’re a Republican, then you’re a “fiscally conservative, religious nut job,” and if you’re a Democrat, then you’re a “socially responsible,” spineless, wimp.  But, I think we’ve nailed down exactly what they ALL ARE COLLECTIVELY…”CROOKS.”  While you buy into the play that they spin relentlessly, they secretly shake hands behind closed doors and take everything that we hand out with the choices that we make.

2. They must use the word “Hope” with starry eyes, and invoke “GOD and Country,” with a tone of conviction; and by doing so, they gain the hearts and minds of all those who have accepted any form of religious or patriotic programming in their early development…Afterall, isn’t America “ONE NATION, UNDER GOD???”  This is an excellent program which has lived through the ages because the founding fathers did a fantastic job in ensuring that their fellow Europeans, their imperialist victims, and their successors were scared SHITLESS of their supposed creator/A God with canine teeth.  Isn’t it amazing how fear and guilt are the primary emotions needed to fracture someone into accepting a pre-created reality?

3. If you’re a president, and your approval ratings begin to dive, there’s one sure way of ensuring solidarity…fabricate a threat and have a war, OR, you can catch a bad guy who has been somehow lurking in the shadows for years.  Oh yes…FEAR is something that generates the most basic and primal instincts even within a collective.  On an individual level, its hard to counteract the rational thinking of someone who uses logic to pinpoint the conductor of the choir, but, when the herd starts to cycle and move because of fear and commotion, you displace the individual by instilling fear into the collective whole (A good illustration of this idea is the act of trying to find your best friend during a riot or concert.  Because there is so much commotion, it becomes difficult to locate a singular body or listen for their voice).  Its much harder for an individual to stand up and point out the obvious when the herd is no longer capable of rational thought due to being traumatized as they huddle for protection after running about in a chaotic, and traumatized state (911).  Because of the fear, the herd huddles close, nearly stampeding each other as the shepherd and the dog force the herd into pastures of the creator’s choosing…a place more suitable for those in charge.  Through the initial destabilization phase, comes the new order…a reality everyone is willing to accept for the purposes of feeling “safe.” (Fight or flight)  Of course, the herd expects that the shepherd is looking out for their best interests, so the herd is content on obedience…never realizing that the only reason for having “A Herd” in the first place is so that “The Herd” can be harvested, in some fashion or another. (Get it???)

4. Threaten Stability.  This can be done in a variety of ways.  You can do it economically, environmentally, militarily, or extra-terrestrially.  Take your pick because they are all effective.  With so many recent “threats,” its hard for Americans to NOT CHOOSE between many different appetites of fear that manifest themselves within our physical spectrum.  Its the only thing that we see.  Its the only thing that we hear.  The MEDIA MACHINE is amazing, because people unwittingly search for articles containing “fear” in the interests of being either entertained or informed.  Its nothing to necessarily feel guilty for given the fact that its manufactured on a wholesale level for the American populace.  Other people’s nightmares are our forms of entertainment. (Horror Movies, War films, Adult and Gore rated video games)  The Movie called “Natural Born Killers” made a huge statement about an entire culture obsessed with violence, hatred, and ridicule and that the nation itself was equally as guilty of mass murder as the film’s protagonists.  We reap what we sow.  We are an extension of the 3rd Reich…the 4th.  We are Rome…war-like, greedy, and over extended and soon, we will only be presented with 2 solutions…slavery or freedom, and right now its pretty evident which direction we are going.

5. Give the illusion of control and Establish ORDER.  This entails many aspects all the way from rising stories of police brutality, to internet speak of “Martial Law.”  Everyday our WRITTEN RIGHTS are stripped away giving the state greater powers to control our actions.  And all we feel is mistrust, misuse, and disdain.  ITS AN ILLUSION.  They have a plan and they’re making it work.  If you can infect and infiltrate how the internet disseminates information regarding politics and conspiracy, then you can narrow the viewpoints even further because those who watch television are already a lost cause.

The point is- To RALLY THE PEOPLE and control their viewpoints.  I’m sure you’ve heard of that phrase…”rallying the people.  Winning hearts and minds.”  Well, RALLYING the people is another term for “gain support from the herd.”  And, as long as you have support from the people, you can use sleight of hand to create their realities at will…and if they aren’t creating your realities, then how the hell are they still getting your votes???

Unfortunately, the people support it because “The Politicians” are “finding solutions and stability” for the manufactured fears of the people that the ELITE themselves have created…They are your SAVIORS.  The key to one’s mind is the key to their pain, pleasure, and PERCEPTION.  Throw a boogie man at the public and they will fall to their knees in despair EVERY TIME.  Create a threat without a face, and then they will NEVER know whom to trust…they will BEG for salvation.  Look how easily it all works…

We are constantly given stories with no proof or evidence, yet, believe it all because it comes from “trusted media outlets.”  And let me ask, are these outlets “trusted” because they’re “reputable,” or are they trusted because they’re “familiar” and the only thing that exists within a mainstream (AKA NORMAL) perspective???  Do you know what NORMAL IS, because I have no idea.  I certainly do not consider the fact that over half the American population is junked out on antidepressants as normal…DO YOU???  Do you always believe what your eyes tell you or what your ears hear, even when there are things occurring that exist outside of our abilities to perceive them???  If your reality is totally based only those things that you can actually perceive, then you can only be influenced by the limited scope of what you CONSUME…FACT.  And if your choices in how you choose to define your reality are narrowed down further and further by the slow process of globalization and acquisitions, then ultimately, so does the scope of the reality in which you live.  There are only 4 Major Media Outlets, and THEY monopolize and provide you “politically friendly” media which inject you news, or what I call “pre-built realities,” based on your political slant.  There is no such thing as an unbiased outlet.  So, if you watch FOX, then we can automatically deduct a host of issues in which you believe, or REPRESENT.  -Tracking-Profiling- The design is almost GENIUS.

So, Is it the suits and ties?  Is that what makes it more official for you?  Would you believe me if I came to you dressed in a suit and tie and told you that your house wasn’t burning down even though you can clearly see that it is with your own eyes?  Would you believe me if I told you that it was totally safe to go back in your home even though you can see the smoke bellowing out from your windows?  Well…that’s PRECISELY what we’re doing every time we go and choose to VOTE for this system.  Its BURNING DOWN and yet you continue to BELIEVE that its standing despite very clear indications that are telling you otherwise.  Your continued participation and perception of its existence is the ONLY thing keeping it together.  Nonetheless, if you don’t believe me…ask yourself these questions.

How much did we find out about the Bin Laden assassination?

1. That the story changed repetitively

2. That Pakistan disputed it

3. That they disposed of, excuse me, “sent the body to sea.”

4. That the White House supposedly watched the whole raid in real time.

5. That it came in a very strategic time for Obama while is birth certificate issue began to rise dramatically.

Are we supposed to believe all of this just because our GOVERNMENT which has been prone to LYING, tells us that its true???  Shouldn’t we hold them to a slightly higher standard than that of our next door neighbor?  If your best friend had a history of pathological lying, would you believe him if he told you that he could fly???  YES/NO???  Well…that’s literally the same situation that we are in right now…yet, no one stands up to call their bluff…so, THEY KEEP BLUFFING AND WINNING and they will continue to do it until they realize that it no longer works.

Did we see photos of this supposed, “dead body”  NOPE.  Well actually, they did release photos of Bin Laden, but then they got busted when it was discovered that the picture that they released was photo-shopped and had been circulating on the internet for years…then they retracted that statement and said, “Well, we haven’t OFFICIALLY released anything, and if you’re seeing it on the internet that its a fake.”  NO evidence.  NOTHING…just their word at the adamant denials of other countries.  And here’s the reasons why other countries were denying it…BIN LADEN HAD ALREADY DIED YEARS AGO.  Unfortunately though, this is how pathetic the educational level and attention span is in this country.  Most of the conservatives who were celebrating the death of Bin Laden in 2011 didn’t even remember that their favorite news outlet FOX had done at least 2 news stories on the fact that Bin Laden had DIED from Diabetes and Low blood pressure YEARS AGO.

Was there any coverage of this supposed “Raid” that was witnessed by anyone else other than the White House?  NOPE.  In fact, even that story changed due to the 20 minute delay that the White House eventually reported having.  If I’m not mistaken, Obama CLEARLY STATED that he and members of the white house staff watched the raid in its entirety in real time.  B.S.

The whole official 911 story is a farce for many reasons, but most notably, because it completely contradicts the laws of physics and any history of engineering that came before it.  But, because of the fear generated by a POORLY STAGED EVENT…the herd (The Nation) went into a state of chaos to where logic and reasoning was substituted with unwavering patriotism and unconditional loyalty to the state.  Rational thinking completely went out of the window head first and any mention of actual and additional “research or investigation” was simply met with a cold stare, disillusionment, and skepticism.  You’d even see people defending their position by claiming that anyone who questioned the official story was “guilty of terrorism” or supporting Al Qaeda (A CIA, hence AMERICAN supported group)…THREATS INSTEAD OF FACTS.  This ended up being a very effective way to silence otherwise very intelligent people.  BUT ALAS, I always looked forward to the day where a will to question and rationalize using the “scientific method” would be met by fellow scientists with hatred, disdain, and absolute fear.  How ironic.  But, I wouldn’t expect a scientist to practice what he preaches any more than I would expect a religious zealot to not fall into the throes of hypocrisy, or a Catholic Priest to uphold his sacred vows.  Their inner contradictions are inevitable.

Nonetheless…its your choice whether you want your strings to be constantly pulled by the will of others.  If you jump every time a scare tactic is used, then you will not be able to discern whether its a tactic, or the real thing.

Again.  As I have stated, ALL IS ULTIMATELY WELL and in its proper place.  The Universe is quite intelligent and will survive the likes of us for better or for worse.  However, this isn’t my worry.  My worry is that the ONE wants us to all achieve a greater purpose and evolve to our potential.  However, it seems that many are willing to sink this place to the ground because of a manufactured sense of pride and apathy; and on a greater collective level…it only proves that there are truly those who are “special” and those who are regressive.  However, the word “special” makes me want to vomit.  I struggled for quite some time with this theory as I truly wanted to believe that we were all created in an equal manner, however, this cannot be true according to the current results of this planet.  Even though we all have our own “perceived” and “unique” paths which supposedly define individuality (illusion of separation), we are all LINKED and intricately connected into ONE gigantic intelligence…its our level of connectedness which separate us.  Some paths simply are NOT ones of conscience, intelligence, integrity, or of positivity.  Some paths are DOOMED and meant to be recycled and repeated over and over until a new evolved collective arises…OR FALLS.  Most paths in this reality are pathways created of FEAR.  How could we think any different when the perpetuation of our species is predicated upon the strongest nation of war???  In fact, you must now ask yourself, what is it you FEAR THE MOST?  DEATH???  Terror???  I can assure you now, there are far worse things than either two that I just mentioned…but if you have an entire society paralyzed by their most primal motive…there’s not much that they WON’T do to feel safe.  Do not doom yourself to indentured servitude out of fear of change.  Those are YOUR choices, but, I can assure you…they’re spinning the illusion which sells the opposite.  The more they can narrow your scope of reality, the more you indulge in THEIR built design of manufactured and preset choices.

In the end…if there were ever such a thing, the Universe will create balance.  The path of fear is a much weaker resonance which requires much more power and participation to counterbalance that of LOVE.  This may be the reason why those who LOVE are few and far between.  For every ONE individual on this planet who comes in to exercise their spiritual heritage of unconditional LOVE, there are hundreds of thousands put in place in order to level the scales.  This is the reason why those who LOVE are hunted, hated, and persecuted…a cycle that can only exist in a very low frequency.

Here’s my last statement:

If your only selling point into getting into heaven is the fear of burning in hell, then I’m afraid that you’re already cooked and just don’t realize it.

Jon Stewart Mocks Atheist Protest Of World Trade Center Cross (VIDEO)

John Stewart show

Now to me, its all a joke as I subscribe to NO religion, No organized belief, and NO REASON to align myself with either side of the isle…because as far as I’m concerned THEY’RE BOTH WRONG.  This is more of the media doing their level best to keep Americans divided instead of united on issues; and, religion apparently is one of the more favorite, and most divisive TOOLS/VICES that NEVER SEEMS TO FAIL…despite our amazing access to information and education.  Apparently, Stewart feels the same way I do concerning the behavior displayed by this new religion.  By the way, Stewart himself is an ADMITTED ATHEIST.

You have to admit, the religion of “Atheism” is beginning to get aggressive and nearly as ridiculous, IF NOT MORE SO, as the previously established religions before it.  As I see it, a TRUE Atheist would be an individual that is not affected by the idea of a God versus a Non-God, nor would it be an issue because its not something that would even engage them on a peripheral level because it simply, “does not exist.”  However, Atheism  is now one of the most aggressive and ego-based religions which claim their own intellectual superiority based on the monotheistic or multi-deistic faiths that they DO NOT BELIEVE.  Catch 22…in their failed logic, they seem to forget that their entire belief system ONLY exists as a counterpoint to the religions that THEY DENY.  And by bringing more attention to themselves, they bring attention towards, AND REINFORCE, the very dogmas that they seek to destroy in themselves and others.  (Chess can be quite deceptive…EVEN TO THE PLAYER WHO BELIEVES THEMSELVES IN CONTROL.)  Isn’t it amazing how intellectualism, or,  someone who prides themselves on being educated and uplifted by the standards of other monkeys, has been one of the quickest paths to the doorway of the ego?  As if validity from the collective has ever been something that is represented as TRUTH.  How I could count the ways that society has been mistaken as a result of falsely engineered, pre-built belief structures incurred by the limited thinking of mankind, only for only later to be proven wrong by the devices of their own creations…example: “The World is Flat.”  Many use this analogy as a point of reference for those who shut their minds to higher possibilities.  WHY???  Because its effective and demonstrates how an entire movement of incorrect thinking can influence the minds of CONTINENTS.  In fact, in the past, if one were to have challenged this belief system, they could have found themselves on the wrong end of a guillotine.  -That’s how powerful BELIEF, whether RIGHT OR WRONG can be…

-I will be the first to admit, that some of the Atheistic foundations of “belief,” as it were, have points of validity.  But, until the Atheists themselves can come forward and admit that they don’t have the locks on reality as they claim, then BELIEF IS their ONLY foundation for support, because the “Scientific community” is learning more and more that things aren’t as they appear.  I post examples of this nearly daily to weekly on my Facebook page.  Those who depend on science to sculpt their realities and thinking processes will ALWAYS be behind the curve of Universal thought.

Now, lets delve into the psychology of the angry, psychologically, and intellectually superior “Atheist.” -If you find yourself having an angry response to the terminology used here, then you might actually QUALIFY as the above-described individual…as Atheists have NO PROBLEM in returning  language such as this, AND WORSE, in their race to judge the sanity, intellect, and awareness of free-thinking individuals.  Yes…we are all WELCOME to believe what we CHOOSE to believe without the added judgments of those who feel themselves QUALIFIED to attach their own personal labels to our essence.  -And then you must ask…AM I, THE AUTHOR, DOING THE SAME THING???  -Not exactly.-  Rather, I am demonstrating the inconsistencies within an ideology which seeks to AGAIN to displace, and then pass judgment on the ideologies of others without entertaining the full-spectrum of TRUTHS born from BOTH.

Often, you will find Atheists taking up positions of superiority, very much like those with a Christian mindset who have never read anything of historical quality beyond the Bible itself.  In fact, much of the Atheist mindset is one which often chooses the position of, “Devil’s advocate,” against the bible rather than support their theories with actual scientific discoveries which would provide contradictory evidence to the religion in which they disagree.   To further this point, the majority of Atheism’s points of reference regarding arguments against religion isn’t substantiated by science or mathematics, rather, they tend to focus on the inconsistencies within “the bible itself,” which shows the stuck mind-set of Atheists and Theists alike.

For instance:  Do you sit and complain every day of your life that kids still believe in Santa Claus despite the fact that we know it to be a BOLDFACED LIE???  Is this something that eats you up to the point where you need to organize and create groups in order to destroy it?  Nope, for the most part, no one gives Santa a second thought until the time of year comes to once again to pretend in his existence for the sake of all the “good little children.”

The Atheist argument against my last statement would be:  But Mike, those who believe in Santa aren’t affecting the way that we perceive the world.  Santa believers don’t lobby, nor do they have an influence in world politics.

My answer:  Really?  Santa doesn’t shape the way that you live, or perceive the world?  Well…how about the many Walt Disney movies made and specifically designed to instill the belief of Santa Claus in your children?  How about all of the commercials that you and your family are bombarded with each year which not only influence the choices of gifts made by your children, but also influence the choices you make when purchasing for other loved-ones?  How about the fact that you must BUDGET every year to ensure that your children get “The gifts of their choice?” Better yet, how about the fact that two, sometimes 3 months before Christmas even begins, you’re hearing commercials on the radio and seeing advertisements REMINDING you to get prepared to SPEND YOUR HARD EARNED MONEY for the Holidays?  If you think Santa hasn’t somehow affected the reality that you perceive, then you’re delusional.  ISN’T IT AMAZING HOW MUCH A MYTH, OR A LIE, CAN COMPLETELY CONTROL THE WAY THAT YOUR WORLD OPERATES?  You might want to give some deeper thought into that last question.

Atheist Response: The next maneuver here is for the Atheist to remind me that the very day we celebrate as Christmas is based entirely upon the birth of Christ, henceforth making Christmas a Christian Holiday.  First, as most Atheists are already aware of…we have no proof that Christ was born on this day.  Secondly, if Christmas were truly based on Christ, then wouldn’t he be the POPULAR guy with endless gifts riding the sleigh of reindeer while scaling people’s chimneys and getting ripped on eggnog?  Instead, Christ is rarely mentioned during this Western Holiday and Christmas has turned into a celebration of the material which is everything that Christ stood against.

But, lets see how the BIBLE depicted Jesus’s stance on trade and material possessions…

-Mathew 21:12-
“And Jesus went into the temple of God, and cast out all them that sold and bought in the temple, and overthrew the tables of the moneychangers, and the seats of them that sold doves.”

-Mathew 19:21- A man of wealth asks Jesus what he would need to do in order to enter the kingdom of heaven:

Jesus said unto him, “If thou wilt be perfect, go and sell all that thou hast, and give to the poor, and thou shalt have treasure in heaven: and come and follow me.”

Jesus realized the perverse nature of commerce because it is based around GREED and SELF-INTEREST.  I highly doubt that if Jesus came back today that he would be too pleased to find that his “supposed birthday” became about a fat guy in a red suit all souped up on something strong enough to make his reindeer fly in the sky and deliver children material possessions through a chimney.  Whatever Christmas currently represents (PROFIT) has nothing to do with the supposed “Christian Holiday,” in which is was born; but the sad part is this, MOST CHRISTIANS CELEBRATE IT AS SUCH and readily accept this modern perversion of the birth of their supposed, “God.”  Hypocrisy can be found in every religion, institution, and BELIEF and unfortunately, the bad now outweighs the good.


Nonetheless, back to Atheism.

Today’s Atheist appears to be a “CLOSET THEIST,” who simply chose to reject the control and confusion instilled upon them by organized religion. If there in fact is no God in existence, then TRULY, there’s nothing to RAGE AGAINST, therefore, nothing to think about. Consider the individual who ALWAYS uses derogatory language against something that they supposedly deplore. Just like a monkey beating on his chest or like a peacock during the mating ritual, they will make a display so that everyone knows that they are the loudest, strongest, and the most staunch enemy of their chosen object of hatred.  Then comes that unfortunate day where EVERYONE FINDS OUT THAT THIS POOR VICTIM OF EGO WAS THE VERY ENEMY THAT THIS PERSON PREACHED MOST AGAINST…it happens EVERY MINUTE OF EVERY DAY. ( examples: Rep. Foley, Televangelists, Pedophile Priests.  I could use other names besides Foley, but the list is too long).  Any time you expend energy in the process of hate, you are subject to becoming the very thing that you despise.  So, you might as well live and let live.

Despite the “Closet Theist’s” inherent hatred of the existence of religion, they seem to be some of the most educated when it comes to religion itself as they were either previous believers, or intellectuals who purposefully learned the path of their perceived “enemies,” for biblical ammunition in debate.  These are the types who study the bible for the expressed purpose of dominating others in religious or theological discussions.  I too am guilty of this logic in the fact that I have learned religion for the sake of pointing out inconsistencies, but, that is where the similarities end.  And although I am a nonbeliever of religion as a viable source to explain our creator, I have no personal Atheist claims or affiliation.  I do believe in a master creator of this particular Matrix, however, religion has absolutely failed in its attempt to explain it and has established a system for spiritual control rather than of collective freedom and liberation.  As it were, many Atheists are usually as equally familiar with DOCTRINE as are the “fundamentalists” in whom they disagree. If nothing else, simply by studying the “faith” and committing words to memory, they have “ACCEPTED” and have been “INFECTED” from this programming whether they are consciously aware of it or not; thereby making them just as susceptible and suggestible as anyone whom they view are trapped within “ignorance” from adhering to religion.  If one were to really contemplate the depth of this, they would understand that this would explain why the behavior of these Atheists are no different than that of which they despise…their belief systems are trapped in the exact same roots of confusion that their Christian predecessors are.   In fact, Atheists would have no cause or right to complain at all if the religions in which they DON’T BELIEVE IN, didn’t exist.  The existence of Atheism is totally dependent upon the existence of organized religion.  One could not survive without the other.

Atheism is becoming organized now. Atheism is seeking to influence and infiltrate the functioning of our Government as another special interest group in the very fashion of the Religions that they so vehemently despise. Since Atheism is an ideology, I must ask…with the behavior we just witnessed in the above link, what separates them as being more “socially evolved,” as they tend to believe, than any other religion seeking to control the thoughts and actions of a society?

If you ask me, its rare to ever see a true practitioner of any ideology.  WHY?  Because all ideologies have been created, and then subsequently INFECTED by the impurities of mankind and faulty interpretations.

We will never know the fullest scale of the grand functioning within the Universe as long as we remain in a finite matrix which sells us the illusion of death, but, to me…an Atheist is the equivalent to a flea which constantly denies the existence of the dog.  You are a living, breathing example of both creation and evolution.  You are special, but, no more special than those who share your existence.  And, if they share this existence with you, then their point of view must be heard and respected, whether right or wrong.  Do not attempt to control how people view the world or take away their faith unless you can provide them PROOF of something more tangible and REAL.  The Universe gave us all free will, and limiting someone else’s free will goes against the very wishes of the self aware engine in which created it.  The idea of personal freedom should exist within your personal mainframe whether you believe in God or not.