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The Primer: Gadaffi attempts to begin the Gold Standard, Oil ain\’t bad either…

Libya Holding HUGE Gold Reserves

The Battle For Libya Is Almost Over… As Is The Battle For Its 144 Tons Of Gold

Too many people believe that the removal of Gadaffi was a benevolent act taken on by NATO and America to liberate the Libyan people for the mere purposes of being NICE GUYS (shaking head).  For the record, once you understand what TRULY happened with Gadaffi, you’ll find out that it boiled down to economics, gold, and oil.  Realistically, DID YOU REALLY BELIEVE IT COULD HAVE BEEN ABOUT ANYTHING ELSE?  The days of the valiant and morally provoked cowboy are over.  In fact, IT WAS A MYTH TO BEGIN WITH.  If you have tons of time to go through some very pertinent information and details, then I will provide this…


If not: just keep reading.  The above link is VERY LONG AND VERY THOROUGH. 

So, some people have asked me, “If Gadaffi was such a good guy-Why were the people protesting???  Interestingly enough, they never think to ask the same question of Obama.  Isn’t that Ironic?  I mean, technically, our nation would appear, to the outside observer, to have lost legitimacy…and now we have a president running around recklessly assassinating people.

First and foremost, I never claimed that Gadaffi was a “good guy,” but I do claim that the U.N. DID let him on the council as a result of his excellent human rights track record as well as his brilliant approach to his economy…HE HAD A HUGE SURPLUS. Here’s the TRUTH as provided by numerous, and reputable sources.

In 2009 Libya had the highest HDI in Africa (HDI=HUMAN DEVELOPMENT INDEX) and the fourth highest GDP (PPP) per capita in Africa, behind Seychelles, Equatorial Guinea and Gabon. Libya has the 10th-largest proven oil reserves of any country in the world and the 17th-highest petroleum production. (sources:Libya, Highest HDI in Africa)

Libya Wikipedia. The sources are impeccable. Check the bottom of the page to find them.

United Nations Human Rights Report on Libya/Gadaffi Jan 2011

Libyan Development, U.N.

Now, how’s that for some PROPAGANDA??? There’s more proof RIGHT THERE than anything we saw from the Obama Administration for reasons to attack, was simply just another FABRICATION to rob yet another country for oil.  The ABOVE LINK, was OBVIOUSLY BEFORE Gadaffi’s Economy Caved in Because of Goldman and Sachs.  At this point, he was still “one of the boys,” who THOUGHT he was pursuing LEGITIMACY for his nation.  But, I guess he wasn’t aware that to seek legitimacy from a system which churns FAULTY POLITICS, is the equivalent of making the BLIND be able to see.

Now personally, I believe that he had to be doing SOMETHING right to have had so many successes in his 41 years of reign with very little intervention, let alone Western.  Ironically though, it wasn’t until all these economies dropped ar0und the world did Gadaffi have problems with people protesting in his 42nd year. (6X6+6)  Here’s a guy who went 42 years, didn’t involve himself in the business of others (not usually) and was not a part of any continued war machine.  He created stability and was actually well loved by his people.

But, here’s the answer to the above question regarding the “rioting discontent of the people,” — Because their economy had failed along with Spain’s, Greece’s, Egypt’s, and the rest of the Arab Spring.  Why did this happen??? –GOLDMAN AND SACHS RAN THE SAME SCHEME ON THOSE COUNTRIES AS THEY HAD DONE TO THE UNWITTING AND OFTEN EASILY FOOLED AMERICAN PUBLIC.–  GOLDMAN AND SACHS took LIBYAN money, bet against their economy, and sunk the entire Northern African front.  Is it any wonder why the entirety of Northern Africa, including Egypt and other countries like Spain and Greece are protesting right along with Americans?  1+1=???

You see, third world countries aren’t as rich as Westernized nations, therefore, when they get ripped off, they can’t skate by on the “illusion of wealth” like we have, nor can they THREATEN others into submission the same way that America does.  The Autocrats were no longer able to provide goods for their people because their economy DIED, meaning, the WELL WAS DRY. -NOTHING TO GIVE.  Seriously folks, he ran the country for 42 years without much of a peep, and then conveniently, AFTER HE HAD the LONGEST RUN as an Autocrat, he just simply decided one day to start killing his people. -Has EVERYONE lost what’s left of their minds??? Can no one link in their minds why the ENTIRE WORLD is out protesting at the same time?  Do you really believe that over in the Middle East it would be any different than for America, Spain, The UK, Greece, The ENTIRE ARAB SPRING, Japan, Australia…etc???  Remember…THE ECONOMY IS GLOBAL.  Therefore, its more than likely that if its failing here and there are people in the streets protesting, that its ALSO probably failing in Africa were the situations are much more unstable, The Middle East, The UK, and all places who are dependent upon Fractional Reserve Banking.  What makes their protest any different from ours??? NOTHING. (Remember, all of those countries in Africa are COLONIES of France, Great Britain, and technically, whether you’d like to believe it or not…AMERICA.  (It amazes me how many people do not know history, which makes it very dangerous when information is disseminated and they are not educated enough to discern FACT FROM FICTION.) –Here’s the fiction–“That America is liberating Libya from a dangerous Autocrat.”

Seriously folks…what’s more realistic?  That they were liberating the Libyan people in a place that, just conveniently has one of the largest oil reserves in Africa?  Or…that they were just going after the OIL???  And…IF THEY WERE DOING THINGS JUST TO BE NICE GUYS…WHY NOT SIERRA LEONE?  How about Ethiopia?  Those people live in horrid conditions and corruption is RAMPANT.  Libyans were living WELL

Well, if we’re doing everything for NOBLE REASONS, then, We should just make a go of it all…RIGHT???  Lets stretch ourselves out and save the world.  In fact, we may want to start in our own country like New Orleans and Louisiana right after they were hit by a frikkin’ Category 3-5 Hurricane.  –Not likely.  Because in a realistic world of war, the most simple explanation is often the most accurate.–  (Economy is in a slump.  Oil will boost economy.  Kill those who have the oil that we want.)

Now that I’ve laid the basic groundwork of what happened, take a look for yourself with facts…

Well, after 911, it seems that our American politicians have been on a rampage like NO OTHER in order to rob, pillage, rape, and steal anything that is in front of them.  As we are told yet another dictator needs to be stopped, our people are so blinded by the propaganda that they can’t even see what is staring at them directly in the face.

Look:  We are in such a hurry to power grab Libya, to take their oil and prevent the gold standard from returning, that we ACTUALLY outright employed members of Al Qaeda AGAIN to do our bidding for us.  Now, if they did something like this to get what they wanted in Libya, what makes you think that anyone OTHER than our own people bombed us on 911?  What are two common denominators between 911 and the current war in Libya??? GOLD…(Link Below)

There has been much resistance to the idea that the U.N. and America WILLINGLY employed Al Qaeda to do their bidding in Libya.  In fact, I’ve heard statements like, “Oh, that’s preposterous, to claim that the U.S. would purposefully hire Al Qaeda is absolutely asinine.  Just because a few fighters from Al Qaeda helped out, DOES NOT MEAN that the Libyan Rebels had anything to do with Al Qaeda outside of this isolated incident.”  Really?  Well first, let me answer that by saying, “There was a time when the U.S. boasted that they never negotiated with terrorists.”  Secondly, this link should END that debate:  Take a good look-U.N. and U.S. KNOWINGLY hire Al Qaeda to do its bidding. Libyan Rebel force is an Al Qaeda affiliate.  So, in essence, we took a very popular leader away from their people and gave them a bunch of terrorists who set up a central bank for the Rothschild’s.  Excellent work Obama.

Why on earth would a Rebel Army decide to set up a Central Bank owned by the Rothschild\’s/Rockefellers?

U.S. employs Al Qaeda to fight against Libya

Rebel Army Commander Admits Al Qaeda Links

Al Qaeda offers help to Rebel Army

U.S. Government Backs Libyan Al-Qaeda While Hyping Terror Attacks Inside U.S.

Great Britian and America Paying for Al Qaeda services…

Libya: the West and al-Qaeda on the same side

UN, Obama Fighting Alongside Al-Qaeda in Libya

What do you want to bet that in 5 years, our government will tell us, that “The Libyan People are being Oppressed by their government,” and that we MUST go BACK and re-liberate them???  Its a cycle that repeats once you press rinse.  Yep, in 5 years, our population will have forgotten that we EMPLOYED THE PEOPLE WHO SUPPOSEDLY ATTACKED US ON 9-11-01, to get rid of a guy who had attacked NO-ONE. -Sometimes we’re so blind that its painful.- (Link Below)

To be clear, this is how YOUR PRESIDENT views OUR \”ENEMIES\” Al QAEDA.

After Britain, US considers Libya rebel embassy

They attack us on 911, and Obama rewards them with an Embassy…(This is content that I couldn’t write even if I wanted to.  What an imagination this place has.)  I’m sorry, but there’s no excuse in the world that adequately explains THIS DECISION on the part of the Obama Administration.  Its one thing to give an Islamic Embassy, or an Afghani Embassy out to those of that faith, but its quite another thing altogether to give an embassy to a foreign operation with no real political backing as a STATE.  Even worse, to give a KNOWN TERRORIST organization a spot of their own within American borders. -Now, either these people were NEVER TERRORISTS to begin with, or maybe, this organization is exactly what people have said all along—C.I.A.  Otherwise, what would be the purpose???  To keep our eyes on them???  LOL…  Open your eyes.  PLEASE—See the bigger picture. -And try to see the bigger picture with this in mind…ALL THE PEOPLE WHO LOST THEIR LIVES IN AN ALL OUT LIE TOLD TO THE AMERICAN PEOPLE.  Folks, 911 was when the ENORMOUS banking scam reached its TRUE ACCELERATION POINT.  You need to research the amount of “put options” that were levied against Airline insurance AT THAT TIME and the fact that Silverstein was smart enough to magically get insurance for all buildings “in case of terrorist attack.”  –This was the beginning of it all, as far as the point of acceleration.– The WAR ON TERROR was needed for the BANKERS TO BEGIN WAGING ECONOMIC WAR AGAINST THE WORLD. -Wars need funding, and this was the biggest scam of them all.  A war which can pick anyone as its enemy…INCLUDING YOU.



So, one minute, Libya is our BEST FRIENDS when we realize that he’s got a powerful and stable economy.  In fact, US banks took quite an interest to the way that Gadaffi ran things knowing DAMN WELL that he had been an autocrat for nearly 40 years by this point. (Links below)

Kickbacks between Libya and the west have helped Gaddafi cling to power. (That\’s right, we armed him and took his money)

Why Gadaffi Is Now A Good Guy

Libya and Vietnam elected to UN Security Council

Complete Hypocrisy

Good Guy? Bad Guy??? MONEY CAN PURCHASE FRIENDS…but only temporarily

If you’ve been paying attention, its all out in the open now…its pretty much public knowledge that we’re OPENLY hijacking Libyan oil which is contrary to the initial purpose of “LIBERATING the Libyan people”…the American public will apparently fall for any given excuse, even though experience through repetition alone should have burned this design to our memories.  Folks…we should KNOW BETTER BY NOW.  Sadly, we literally fall for the SAME TACTIC every time and the proof of its EFFECTIVENESS is reflected by our inaction, the current status of our world standing, and our economic failure to the U.S. citizens and the world whom depend on a stable U.S. economy.  Laughably, there are rarely, if any alterations to the propaganda scheme created to control the perceptions of the masses except for the fact that the elite are now openly, instead of privately, bidding right in front of the world for control over stolen natural resources (in this case, Libyan Oil).  Please do not take offense to my observation concerning the majority of Americans who have willingly accepted their realities as slaves.  With our voiceless approval, we have proven ourselves nothing less.  And trust me when I say…voting once every 4 years does not show an effective or consistent form of participation that runs synonymous to having “a voice” within politics.

Now…If this is not your decision and you do not fall into this category, then consider yourself exempt.  If you have tried to voice your opinion and have exercised your inalienable rights as a sentient being who recognizes their true connection and divinity, then feel free to ignore my rant because what I say is nothing new.  However, I feel that I am illuminating something that even the most blinded of individual should be aware of by now.  If you cannot see the greed and how it makes you complicit by your participation or lack thereof, then you truly are in absolute denial.  This system cannot stand while constantly creating more negative Karma to repay.  Lets face facts here:  Everyone whom we attack has a natural resource that we exploit, and all of the nations which we attack fall under a 3rd world status…in some cases, they were sovereign nations.  It is a very simplistic design, yet, it has fooled an immeasurable amount of people who could have otherwise been influential in creating a change for the better.

Hijacking of Libyan oil…links below:

France Feels Entitled To Libyan Oil

The West Wants To Control Libya\’s Oil Wealth

Here’s something else that I find interesting.  Gadhaffi had stabilized Libya’s economy, had one of the highest standards of living in the world, nationalized his country’s own oil, and provided a home, health care, and a vehicle to every Libyan in that country.  Could it be that this makes certain Western Powers look bad when our unemployment rate is steadily rising, people are consistently losing their homes, and the economy continues to dive because of our practice of fractional reserve banking.  Does it make the U.S. look bad when there isn’t a single homeless Libyan???

What you don\’t get to hear about Gaddafi

Gaddafi, a system of his own!!!

Farrakhan destroys NATO France Britain and the US on humanitarian hypocrisy and lies in Libya,

Lets not forget THIS, and how if Gadaffi was successful, we would have lost purchasing power in Africa and the Middle East-

Let us Not Forget WHY Gadaffi chose to make this maneuver in the FIRST PLACE-

Goldman and Sachs Steals 1.3 Billion of Gadaffi\’s money and then bet against him

Goldman Sachs and JP MORGAN stealing Libyan Money

It would seem that Americans and Gadaffi have something in common- They’re being extracted by U.S. Banks and Multinational corporations.

This isn\’t a JOKE, this is the REAL AUDIT from the Federal Reserve…

Last but not least…This is what those SAME JACKASSES just did to us AGAIN:

Bank Of America Further Destroys The American Taxpayer by Transferring Eurozone Debt to Americans

Bank of America Lynch[ing this] CountryWide\’s Equity Is Likely Worthess and It Will Rape FDIC Insured Accounts Going Bust

-So, WHO is your ENEMY AGAIN???

It was only after Gadaffi had gotten anally squeegeed by Goldman and Sachs did he choose to attempt to fight back.

Now, one could look at this information and the people who are speaking against the behavior of the U.S./Western BANKING CARTELS as “radical,” or “dangerous.”  This is often the common “perception” and reaction that one has when information contradicts our view of reality.  I assure you, this isn’t “communist, socialist, fascist, or any other “ism, ist,” or stupid agenda involving ideology.  THIS IS REALITY. -Do yourself a favor and WAKE UP.  PEOPLE ARE BEING MURDERED. -As an intelligent, scientifically minded individual, I MUST LOOK AT ALL OF THE FACTS to make an informed opinion.  Let me tell you something, right now the world isn’t protesting Gadaffi…THEY’RE PROTESTING THE WEST AND OUR UBIQUITOUS/PERVASIVE FINANCIAL POLICIES (i.e. Fractional Reserve Banking)  WHICH HAVE WRECKED THE WORLD. -Gadaffi wasn’t spreading wars like Sadaam in the 90s, or a certain Western Nation that can’t seem to get enough oil.  He was minding his OWN BUSINESS. -And lets NOT forget who the U.S. EMPLOYED in order to fight the forces of Libya. -Its time for Americans to use some BRAIN MATTER for once and drop all of the propaganda that we have been fed since the dawn of Television. -How easy is it to lie to the American public?  You have a system which pathologically lies to you, which most of you are aware of.  BUT…when it comes to the idea of “enemies” and foreign policy, suddenly you seem to think that the liars have suddenly FOUND RELIGION.  All of a sudden, anything that your system tells you is GOSPEL, and you’re ready throw your kids in front of a moving truck to rid the world of the “Crazy Boogeymen.”  -Let me ask you something?- What happens when we finally RID THE WORLD OF ALL OF THE BOOGEYMEN???  –That’s right…Once we’ve gone ALL OVER THE EARTH and bombed every square inch…THE ONLY THING THAT’S LEFT IS US.  And they’ll gladly wipe us up TOO.

After doing some research on Gaddafi and Libya and how Gaddafi brought prosperity to an African country by limiting Western influence and nationalizing his own nation’s natural resource, it becomes more clear why he was seen as such a threat.  Not to mention that Gaddafi was intentionally trying to undermine America by attempting to empower Africa by switching to the gold standard.  I can truly say…As Americans, we seem to hate Libyan freedoms and their direct form of democracy.  Seems to be an excuse that sells…

Make your own decision…

  (United States has been forging gold)